last nite i went to ec band camp...and it not worth it at all...i balik kerja around kol 7 then balik umah...take a quick shower...and off me go to ec hostel...and when i arrived...all the boys buat sectional...bersepah sepah...yg buat terubat skit ati nie bile ade ex member around my huha kejap then dieorg balik...i wait till the intructor came...borak borak skit and trus balik...trus sakit pinggang occay...tension sgt...and now i in front of my pc updating blog...ponteng kerja...wakaka...harus ler kalo dieorg baca kat eds...huhu...
let me tell u guys a story...i hope the junior will read this...mase i masuk band in my form4...the enviroment die lain dari skang...i excited sgt...every week buat latihan...and we as a band try hard to improve every single week...and we all dapat rase no 3 in johor...u all ade???non ade yer...competition pun x masuk...susah dulu...salah skit denda...salah skit junjung alat pusing padang karipap...u all???padang karipap pun tak kenal...sedey...kalo dulu semua penat tapi kepuasan diri tue ade...jati diri sangat teguh...hasilnye...a new band yg agak digeruni...well...bolehlah cakap macam tue...sekarang dgn dulu banyak sangat beza...dulu susah...kiteorg makan ubi jer...korang???nak keropok???geram...
korang bayangkan...korang tgh buat sectional study...(belajar dalam section)...ade ex super duper senior dtg...nak tlg ajar walaupon dah berzaman x pegang intrument...dahlah bersepah sepah...separuh sane separuh sini...tetiba datang seorg junior bawak keropok yg mur mur tue...'NAK SIKIT???' sentap tak???i rase nak amik muke die sagat kat jalan tar tue...warhhh...tapi x bleh pulak...nanti die bagitau mak die...mak die call cikgu...cikgu marah i balik dah tak skolah...lor...kalu cikgu marah pun xde effect...tau sagat jer muke die semalam...huhu...junior skang sgt pampered...benci...marah skit mata berkaca...tengking skit trus call mak...tolonglah...grow up!!!mase zaman kiteorg siap denda yg tak pernah dibuat org...korang tau bumping kan...ker pumping???whuteva ler...pernah kene bumping@pumping setengah???pernah???x pernah kan...tangan gigil gigil tahan badan yer...kalo sekarang suruh budak budak tue buat macam tue harus besok muke i kuar paper yer...muke depan lagi...nangis fasha tengok i lagi glamor dari die...huhu...
ade 1 part i tgk dieorg tgh buat sectional...senior die nie ajar elok jer...suruh tiup lower note pun x bleh...pastu demand lak...'esok jer lah kite blaja'...bley gituh...kayu pemukul plz...kalo dulu intructor kiteorg ckp...dlm 1 hour dah bleh main lagu nie...trus berhempas pulas main...belajar n 1 hour walaupon x perfect tapi bleh main lagu tue...sekarang...'i cant...i cant...blaja esok jer lah...i nak sambung makan keropok...'macam s***...h******...opss...sory for the bad word...u deserved it...padan muke...geram...
perhatian kepada all ex band member...
nak buat sesuatu tak???i ade idea...and a great one...nanti kite bincang k...

bEst pErcussion eVer...wAlau sKit tApi kIte tHe bEst...i mIss tHis mOment...bUdak sKang aDe???bErdiri pUn sEnget...pLaying eP nOw...hUhu...
till then...lets hope it works...
upppzzz....terlebih sudah kakak..u xde post any photo mase band camp ni ker??
mb dieorg belum pernah didedahkan environment seperti u all dieorg xkan faham,kalau bukan u all yang sedarkan kepada dieorg what the band mean is?cuba u all fikirkan sekiranya seorang yang xpernah involved dalam dunia band ni,then bile die involved jer,environment seperti u all cerita tu memang x pernah die xkan pernah tau like ur environment before.yang die tau,environment sekarang,yang junior u telah wujudkan..makan kerepek@keropok...doesnt serious at all in band camp..diorg xde disiplin seperti u all dolu2...u all can be re-build ur previous dicipline to all ur junior...n maintain it 4evr..
OMG...sangat tersentap baca...ish kalau zaman kita dulu,trumpet tak tegak kena ketuk,salah note panjat pagar tenis court tuh ok,pumping tak ingat dunia aku bagi dorang...sampai dapat gelaran lagi...tuan punya blog,jangan lupa ye share apakah plan anda itu kepada saya ye..we must do something!
bitch nye dak2 skang...
mmg patut ko sagat je muke dieorg kat tar tue...
i would love to know d plan...
nk involve gak...
suke bende2 camni...
even org x suke i dulu...
sedar diri ye...
to rebuild d band cam susah...
but klu kite berganding bahu ok je kot...
i'll do whatever i can...
but klu nk suro blk jb tetibe tue susah la kan...
so make sure plan pape bile i cuti...
ye lah least letak ler nick name yg i knal kan...bleh ler i contact u guys kan...nie gune anonymous...i nak call sape nanti...nie top secret tau...menteri besar johor???ckap...kan budak budak tue i x sagat...u guys yg i sagat...huhu...
eyh asyraf,u luper ke i denda junior panjat pagar tenis?sampai dapat gelaran senior paling kejam gitew..yg annonymous bawah i tuh i tak tau sape...tak dapat nak diteka ayat siapakah skang u kenal tak i?hehehe
hi, asyraf...
wait, asyraf?!? oh, yes... your last name... sorry... I'm used to addressing you with your first...
ouch! berbisa sungguh this particular post of yours... yeah I know kan... when I was at the camp, my heart just broke... what happened to the foundation us seniors of the early days laid down... the band sekarang mcm dah hit rock-bottom...
anyway, it was nice catching-up with you that day... a pity we didn't have more time...
dear jf...i didnt know u much i think...if i mistaken please accept my apologie...btw who are u ek...jf???jaja fonen???juju fabio???give me hint please...or do send me sms...i would love to chat with u more...thanks...i'm sure u have my no rite???
lah... asyraf...
clue: the original Bass 2
if you still x tahu sape lagi, I don't know what to say...
p/s amboi... jaja fonen, juju fabio... wujud ker org yg memegang gelaran nie kat EC band? ;)
matilah tak ingat...sape jer main bass...sape ek main bass...hah...mesti amar kan...huhu...gurau jer...oic...suddenly i remember...
jason francis...o...tq...sory...
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