hi guys...thanks for the comments for the previous entry...so...every nite i jengah kat hostel to support them...i bleh dtg malam jer sbb i keje siang yer...on second nite...i dtg...wow...alat itu mengeluarkan bunyi dgn betul...some of them ler...huhu...and the beat...is in the move...huhu...ada hasil rupenye...huhu...
nAmpak x cIkgu dIe...qIffa...gArang tUe...kEje nAk kEtuk oRg dGn sTick jEr...sAlah jEr dIe aNgkat sTick...hUhu...tApi bAsedrum...hAncuzzz...uSaha lAgi...
bLowers...dAh oK dAh bUnyi...mEletop...sKit jEr...
nAmpak bUdak bAju mErah yG dUduk aTas mEja tUe...kEry mIsry...sBb dIe lEr bUdak bUdak nIe kNal aPe iTU dInamik...hUhu...bARu lAgu jAdi mEndaYu dAyu...
sEbenarnye aDe pic tGh mArching bUt tHen...gElap lAk...sO u gUys fEeling fEling jEr aR tGk kOnon kOnon aDe pIc tGh mArching...hUhu...
banyak benda yg jd mase camp nie...ade cite hot...ade cite sedih...tapi tue sume nanti i cite...mase last nite i dtg...bunyi dah sedap skit lagi...dah pandai control dinamik...mane part nak kuat...mane part nak slow...lagu pun jadi sedap...dalam kol 11 kery cut it off...sepatutnye budak budak kene tido but then ade drill lak from their 'instructor'...i nak post pic intructor tue tapi x sempat lak nak amik pic die...hot jugak...huhu...ade 2 org u guys...huhu...gatal jap...tapi sebelum tue qaiyum ade benda nak sampaikan...
tGk tUe gAya yG dIpertua bErucap...hUhu...bUdak bUdak sIap tErcengang lAgi tEruja dEngar nAsihat qAiyum...tApi kEry tEtap nAk pOsing...hUhu...tHanks q fOr tHe aDvice...
mase dieorg berlatih marching pada pukul 11 malam sempat lah i bukak clear holder dieorg...huhu...mcm mcm ade...gambar artis...note lagu...tapi cube u guys tgk note lagu nie...
bAck sTreet bOys kEr???sO pRimary sChool...
tapi the best part in this band camp...sahabat yg pernah jadi musuh dulu dah berdamai...i suke giler part nie...sbb 2 2 kawan i...at first takut gak dieorg bertampar macam dulu mase jumpe but then...lepas a few year...dah matured...dah tau mane buruk baik...mereka berbaik...
mase nak balik around kol 2 lebih...i...kandryxx...qaiyum dengar sesuatu...trus naik kete n balik...diam jer dalam kete...cuak tue...
rAsanye bUkan yG iNi...tApi mAya kArin...hUhu...tAkut...
ape ape pun...i respect kat bebudak yg sedang dalam usaha mengekal tradisi kite...kalo pangkat besar tapi x buat paper...letak jer jawatan tue...huhu...kepada yg lain...keep up the good work...
till then...buhbye...luv u guys...
HanJeNg SaNgAtS kaNn i'M Da CeNtRe oF aTtEntiOn?
iOLs PoNk TaK PeRaSaN BiLa UoLs AmEk PiC wEoLs 2 OrAnG.
well...that me...huhu...
Good to see ECMB back in action..I rasa ex-bandmen kena bagi support and bebudak tuh have to see us all..what we can do maybe give them some words of advice, telling them how hard our time was..we were fighting to get where we were then, baju yang diimprovisasikan sampai bergemerlapan selempang kita, puan jamilah yang sacrificed yang tak terkira jasanya, juniors didenda supaya jadi seniors yang bagus, seniors yang bersatu padu bila tiba time main muzik (walaupon ada masa bercekau,biasalah teww..),and most importantly masa kita sama2 senang dan susah, gelak dan nangis, gaduh dan aman, semualah...these juniors should really know our challenging journey to stand up as a new band that was afraid of..OMG...apa jadi kamu endon bersama itu wanita india?sudah berbaikkah?eh india ke?apa eh gelaran dia dulu..oh yes wanita nasyid gituh..hahah
sape u nie...klaka lah...i tau ade 1 jer section leader...huhu...wanita iqraq ler...huhu...
eyh u nih sangat teruk! pertama...cik neiry kita yg hangat di GUA itu...kemudian saya yeh...cuba perhatikan kembali...lepas saya ada lagi yeh...yang solo style tunduk hormat gempak tahun 2003 tuh...
matilah sentap kan...u deserve yg first ler...nape nak malu malu...lain kali letak -pemain trumpet paling hebat- macam mane nak masuk club confident anjuaran fahat nie...GUA.com(suara lelaki)
seperti yang i katakan tadi yeh...tidak mahu mengoverrule kita punya section leader kerana nanti jadi pula seckolah.com yeh...terus tutup blogspot ini yeh..oklah...i tukar nama lain yeh..a'ah lah...suara lelaki tau,tak pecah gitew..tapi am proud for him..main actor lagi ye,mesti mendapat bayaran yang meletop gitew...
kalo sampai tak nampak nick tue namenye gile kuase yer...tapi takpe...btw say hi kat junior junior yg jadik silence reader...huhu...ramai tgh online n ramai tgh bace tau...cepat sblm offline...huhu...
hello juniors! one thing that is to be put in ur head..YOU ALL MUST LOVE MUSIC BEFORE U REALLY LOVE UR BAND..it's an important start..because when u do what u love for the thing u love, u'll never feel tired and regret about it..failure may come, for it is made to strengthen you..in the end, the satisfaction, ur burnt skin, ur music skills, ur discipline etc will actually make u realize that it has taught u life..life as a BANDMAN!
tq u guys...i love ur support...thanks again and again...motif nick tukar tukar...ko hengat ko chantek???huhu...
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