Sunday, June 8

sEpanjang lAst wEek...

last week bosan...dah ler minyak naik + school holiday...of coz ramai customer...i means everyday ramai and penat sgt...selalu x cukup oleh sebab itu...i post ape yg berlaku dlm minggu lepas dlm 1 entry jer...bley???

bEbear kAt sWw oFfice...sAmbil vErified tOken mAin mAin sEkali...tEtiba...

aRhhh...i x bUat pAper pOng...mEmang dAh tErcabut...aRhhh...kEjam...zAlim...aRhhh...bUkan i yG bUat...

aDe tRc's mEeting...tRc iS sUpervisor bUkan 'tEtek rOgayah cIput' yEr...mAdang gElak...pAsal aPer yEr...hUhu...

wAh...gInie iTu...gElak bEsar nAmpak...hUhu...sErius u gUys...hUhu...

picture have been removed due to respect other people feeling...

hUh???bIar bEnar???gInie fInally a mOm...mAtilah pAkai bAju sAper tUe...

picture have been removed due to respect other people feeling...

'i hOpe iT's a gIrl...i hAd tOo mAny bOys...'hUhu...bRape bUlan tUe...lArik...

aNd pErgi tGk cItrawarna n cItrarasa...hUhu...oKlah...

huhu...till then...enjoy...luv u guys...

due to some safety reason some of the picture have been removed from this blog...coz that pregnant lady didn't want her future husband left her because she pregnant...other guy's child...

matilah mak...larik...actually ade pic tapi ginie ngamuk lak...huhu...sesapa nak nanti i bagi upon request jek...ok...

1 comment:

Orient Riedel said...

kimak sangat!!!!
delete pic tu skrang!!!