last saturday i gie kulai with hazwan and my lil bro alan...kiteorg kene paksa with my sis adah sbb die dok umah die x nak tido sesorang...for those yg x sis adah dah pindah kulai...she got dok ler die kat kulai...kulai occay...i type it again...kulai...huhu...and as far as i kulai...ade 2 jer shopping mall...mall ker???huhu...bolehlah...1 is ioi mall...kat situ yg best ade bowling...and the other 1 is kulai utama...kat sini ade i thought because it is in kulai...all the price will be cheaper...but then...nan ado...same jer dgn around 8pm kiteorg pun kuar arr umah...10 minutes to ioi and 20 minutes to kulai utama...we decided to watch movie...and i was hoping the price would be rm 7 or rm 6...huhu...but's rm 9...hanjs sgt...i really want to watch dark knight but then the show is around 9.30 pm...malas nak we watch...journey to the centre of the earth...huhu...another brandon fraser movie...2 times in the row...huhu...cinema die look nice and clean...but then very the cikai...huhu...sorry to say...then the worker...semua ala ala keje main main...enjoy enjoy jer...ok ok...let's face's bile masuk jer house...i was shocked till death...kecik occay...i rase macam tgk movie kat bilik tayangan kat skola dulu dulu...
takpe takpe...maybe gempak ler kot sbb kecik kan...mesti sound bergema gema...i pun duduk ler...then...horror of horror...die nye seat...rendah...x leh letak kepala...x leh sandar sambil duduk selesa...and again...arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...ade 1 thing missing...
nIe sEat dIe...sOrry pAkai cAmera hP jEr...nAmpak x aPe yG xDe???nAmpak x???xDe tEmpat lEtak aIr!!!tHen...i kEne pEgang jEr kEr mY lArge sTrawberry nIe???hAh???gIve mE bAck mY rm9...aRhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
pOster aLa aLa mEriah gItuh...cIte cIte lAme sEmua aDe lAgi pOster dIe...
another thing...kat dlm house tue cume ade kiteorg 4 org...and 3 and mom with lil kids...aiyoh...sgt family outing...then ade 1 part...all the kids xde paper...kiteorg yg jerit macam nak giler...malu giler occay...huhu...
pOster yG aGak mEnarik...
i lOve tHe tRain pArt...jUst lOved iT...
oH nO uNcle...iT's kAndryxx wIth hIs/hEr nEw nOse...fRom dR lIm...
so i review skit eh...cite nie pasal branden nak cari abg die yg ilang...tetiba anak sedara die merangkap anak abg die nak ikut dieorg cari ler abg/ayah dieorg...sampai kat 1 tempat nie dieorg jumpe 1 pompuan yg bleh bawak die cari tempat yg dikatakan pintu masuk ke dlm perut bumi...cari punye cari jumpe...dieorg pun jumpe abg/ayah dieorg...tapi dlm bentuk tengkorak lah...huhu...then dieorg mengalami macam macam peristiwa menarik...macam mane menarik???menarik sampai korang tertarik lagi menarik dan tertarik...huhu...gie jelah tgk...but beware...ade certain part yg korang akan jerit giler giler...huhu...overall...mmg best...cume cinema jer macam hanjs skit...huhu...
till then...buhbye...luv korang...
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