Tuesday, August 5

sMoothies aNd iCe...

this is charity entry...so don't ask how much i earn for this entry...occay???

sMoothies aNd iCe...

location : dAnga fEstive mAll...kAt jAlan yAng mEngadap iStana oR sInggah sElalu...sEbelah cYber cAfe...aNd dEkat dEngan aIr aSia bOoth...

vAriety oF sImple aNd dElicious sNacks aNd sMoothies...wIth a cOncept tAke aWay oR oN tHe gO...tHis pLace sUre wIll fReezz u...hUhu...

sImple aNd fResh iNterior...wiTh a wAitress dRess uP aS sExy nUrse...hUhu...( tUe cUstomer lEr...aCah jEr...)

so...ape kene mengena cafe nie with me???it's a friend of my punye...hurm...name is fIfi @ fIeda @ iRish...huhu...gempak kan name die...so iRish dah kabarkan pada semua yg die nak open a cute cafe...so i, kAndryxx and hAzwan pun pay a visit on the opening day...huhu...we all kat situ dari ptg sampai ke malam...chit chat chit chat...ngurat ngurat...sweet sane sweet sini...huhu...because the enviroment of the cafe quite nice...for those yg slalu pergi danga bay...there's a lot of cute cafe tepi walkway tue kan...so iRish's cafe is one of them...

wE all hAve sMoothies...i aNd kAndryxx gOt sTrawbery + bLueberry ( wEird cOmbo ) aNd hAzwan gOt sOursoap + mAngo ( hEaven cOmbo )...hUhu...

aNd tHis cUte fLuffy bAnana + rAisin mIni cAke...hUhu...hAte tHe rAisin...

sEe...vEry nIce kAn...bIle mAlam mEnjelma...wIth aLl tHat cUte lIght...sO lIke iN pAris...pAris kEr???lAntak kO lEr lAbu...hUhu...

kAndryxx wIth hAzwan...cHit cHat sAmbil sNap sNap...hUhu...

oPs...lUpe lak...adE jUal cUpcake kAt sIni...pElbagai pIlihan kAtenye...

cLosed uP sKit...cUpcake aNyone???

lUpe lAgi...nIe lEr pIc tUan kEdai...hUhu...

so...if u happen to be at danga bay...pay a visit to sMoothies aNd iCe...just cakap kat iRish...' saya kawan aidil...die yg promote kedai nie..' bley gitu???

till then...buhbye...i luv smoothies...


KaNdRyXx gLaMaZoNs said...

DiSkAuN FoOdiE.
i LiKe~
NaPeR PiC iOLs sKeT SaJoRk?
aRiE TuE sNaP bUkAn MaiN BaNyAk

add_asyraf said...

huhu...tue bukan cafe ko aku nak kene letak muka ko bebanyak...name ko dah takde bintang bintang pun ko patut bersyukor...ade faham???

Inactive said...

nice pic