Monday, August 11


tAg fRom kAndrxx...

1. Story behind your MySpace song?
jAson mRaz...i'm yOurs...hUhu...

2. Whats bothering you right now?
hUrm...lOts oF thIng aCtually...kUsut!!!

3. Do you close the door when you pee?
aLways...eXcept wHen nO oNe aRound...


4. Wallet?
bLack cOlour...fRom tOpman...

5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop
cUrently hAzwan's pIc...cOz i'm uSing hIs pC...mIne???fOr u tO fInd oUt...hUhu...

6. Background on your cell phone?
nEon lOve...cOz lOve iS iN tHe aIr...

7. Jewelry worn daily?
wAtch...iT's tHat cOunt???

8. Where your default picture was taken?
dEfault pIc fOr wHat???hUrm...

9. Eye color?
bLack...sUmtimes cHange tO cHoc...bLey???

10. Life:
nO cOmment...

11. House:
sInce 2000...tIll nOw...


12. Doing this weekend?
nOt sUre yEt...

13. Wearing?
fOr tHis wEekends???nOt sUre yEt...nOw???tShirt aNd kAin pElekat...


15. Where are you?
iN fRont oF pC...

16. Listening to?
i wAs bOrn tO mAke u hAppy bY bRitney

17. Have you ever hugged or kissed anyone lately?

18. What do you smell like?

19. Eating?
nAsi wIth tElur sAmbal...

20. Besides your bed, what is your favorite things?
mY pC...

21. Do you believe in a soul mate?

22.Do you sleep naked?

23. Do you remember your dreams?

24. Do you believe dreams come true?

25. Do you believe in miracles?

26. Do you burn easily in the sun?
bUrn iN tHe sUn???dArk iS mY cOlour...hUhu...

27. Do you speak another language other than English?
bAhasa mElayu...a bIt mAndrin...a bit iNdonesia...a bit sAbah aNd sErawak...hUrm...aCah jEr...

28. What's something you wish you could understand better?
mY fAther...aNd mY sAyang...

29. What did you do last weekend?
wEnt fOr a 2 wEdding rEception aNd mEet mY sAyang...

30. Who do you miss?
mY sAyang...

31. Have you ever been in a car crash?
hUhu...i hIt aNd rUn...aPelagik...rUnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

32. Orange or apple juice?
oRange pLease...pAss tHe aPple tO mY sIs...

33. Who were the last people you went somewhere with?
mY sAyang fOr a dAte...hAzwan,mAdi,eN tAriq,kAk iNa,kAk wAnie...wEnt tO pUteh wEds...

34. What was the last text message you received?
sAlam aDil...nIe bAby kAk iN...nUr dAmya...( fRom mY cOusin kAk in)

35. Last text message you sent?
wAh cOmelnye...nIe mMs yG kE 6 kAk iN aNta...pErlu kEr bYk bYk...1 cUkup...

36. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
i dOn't ate tOmato...

37. What is the closest thing to you that is blue?
bLue pEn...iN fRont oF me...

38. What was the last thing you ate?
nAsi pUtih wIth sAmbal tElur...mY mUm cOok...

40. Whose house did you go to last night?
lAst nIte???hUrm...x gIe mEmane ler...

41. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
cAnnot rEcall...

42. Do you like someone right now?

43. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?
jEans aNd sLacks...

44. What is the last movie you watched?

45. Have you ever heard of the band Sweet Garden
hUrm???sWeet cHarity tAu lEr...

46. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
hUrm...iT's sAys... "eNglish cOllege bAnd"so???fRom tHe bAnd...

47. Coach or NFL game tickets?
hUrm???nFl???aPe tUe???

48. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
hUrm...u tHink???

49. Do you believe that you can change someone?
hUrm...nOt sUre...

50. Do you want someone you can't have?
hUhu...dO i nEed tO aNswer tHis???

i nak pass kat sape lak nie...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

entry keta rosak di tengah jalan n kandryxx merembes dek krana 3 jantan yang konon2 nya hotz ala ala meletus gunung brapi pina tubo kat filipina tak nak masuk kah...?
