Monday, July 28

mOvie rEview...aYat aYat cInta...

this is a movie review...sit back and relax...because i will bring u aYat aYat cInta...

Ayat Ayat Cinta is a beautifully portrayed Islamic love story – a tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles of life maintaining pure ideals.

fEdi nUril aS fAhri...

Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University. Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, exactly according to pre-determined targets.
Only one goal is left unattempted: the pursuit of marriage.

For Fahri is innocent and pure, and doesn't believe in the concept of relationships prior to marriage. He is inarticulate and shy around women. All his life, only two women have been close to him – his mother and grandmother. Life changes drastically in Egypt for he suddenly finds himself surrounded by four beautiful, distinctly different women.

cArissa pUtri aS mAria...

Maria Girgis, a shy, open-minded Coptic-Christian neighbor who is attracted to the teachings of the Holy Al Quran, finds herself falling in love with Fahri (a fact she only reveals to her diary).

mElanie pUtria aS nUrul...

Nurul, a student at Al Azhar like Fahri, is the Muslim daughter of a renowned Indonesian cleric. Fahri feels unworthy of her and thus ignores his feelings for her, leaving her confused and guessing.

zAskia aDya mEcca aS nOura..

Noura, an abused Egyptian neighbor, develops strong romantic feelings for Fahri, who in turn simply sympathizes with her situation. His romantic rejection destroys her and eventually leads to a false accusation of rape.

rIanti cArtwright aS aIsha...

Aisha, a German Turkish student in Cairo haunts Fahri with her beautiful eyes. Following an incident on the metro where Fahri defends her against narrow minded bigoted Muslims, both immediately develop feelings for each other.

As the story unravels, the protagonist makes the audience face the daunting decisions he himself faces, and forces us to marvel at his undying loyalty to the true ideals of Islam as he ultimately makes the choice of a lifetime.

Ayat ayat cinta is adaptation from the famous novel by hAbiburrahman El Shirazy, a novelis with Sarjana Al Azhar University, Cairo

mAlaysian eDition...

hAh...mesti sentap kan tetiba...sbb x pernah i buat movie review sedetail ini...huhu...sebenarnye kan...bukan i x nak buat review betul betul...tapi bile nanti i cakap movie tue best 10 bintang aum aum aum (sambil buat gaya makan bintang ala sinaran) tapi org tgk x best...mestilah die cakap i propah jer...kata i suke letak ajinomoto dlm cite...sebenarnye...die yg x reti nilai movie...and x reti hayati movie...betul tak???hurm...

aIsha mAkan aTi bIle sUaminye fAhri bErmesra dGn mAdunye...mAria...

mAria pUlak mAkan aTi bIle sUaminye bErmesra dGn bIni tUa...aIsha...

mAka mAria pUn sOlat...uNtuk tEnangkan hAtinye...

nAmun tEtap dIganggu bAyangan kEmeriahan pErkahwinan fAhri dAn aIsha yG aLa aLa bOllywood...

mAka sUara rOssa pUn bErkumandang...

Ku tutup mataku
dari semua pandanganku
bila melihat matamu
ku yakin ada cinta
ketulusan hati yang mengelir lembut

Penguasa alam tolonglah pegangi aku
biar ku tak jatuh pada sumur dosa
yang terkutuk dan menyesatkan cintaku

Andaikan ku bisa lebih adil
pada cinta kau dan dia
aku bukan nabi yang bisa sempurna
ku tak luput dari dosa

Biarlah ku hidup seperti ini
takdir cinta harus begini
ada kau dan dia bukan ku yang mau
oh Tuhan tuntunlah hatiku

Penguasa alam tolonglah pegangi aku
biar ku tak jatuh pada sumur dosa
yang terkutuk dan menyesatkan cintaku

so guys...i only watch this movie in just search ayat ayat cinta and...13 clip to watch...huhu...and only because i watch this movie in still make my heart go flow with the story line...and hate to admit...i even have a tears in my eyes...gelak lah puas x de perasaan jer tgk cite nie x nangis...or org yg lumpy je x faham cite nie and ckp i + ajinomoto in my story...that's my opinion lah...if anyone got ayat ayat cinta dvd...bleh bagi i???huhu...novel opai dah ckp nak belikan...huhu...thanks opai...

but still...every movie ade part part yg mendatangkan keraguan...and in this movie...ade part yg i go like ' bleh ker macam tue???' or 'bile mase die buat tue???'kalo x faham tgk jer sendiri...kang i type kat sini kang kene ban pulak my blog...huhu...and on my personal opinion...i think i have to read the novel first and then re-watch the movie again...huhu...

so u guys...have u found ur ayat ayat cinta???
me???not yet...

till then...buhbye...luv u guys...

Saturday, July 26

aKhirnye...mElaka j cArd dAy...

sebenarnya macam malas jer nak update pasal entry nie tapi sbb dah janji i update gak...bukan nye per...jauh hati...tue yg sampai tioman tue...huhu...kenapa???x faham??? story kat bwh nie ok!!!
ok...10hb july jusco melaka buat jcard day...sape yg fav pegi jusco macam mak k******* mesti suke bile dgr jcard day...kiteorg pun suke...sbb dapat jalan dgn gigihnye i buat preparation...sbb tetiba kene jadik bus leader ok...x suke...nanti kene borak borak dgn uncle driver tue...nak borak ape jer???i mane reti bersosial dgn uncle uncle nie...pening setelah settle...kiteorg pun get ready nak berangkat ke melaka around kol 2 ari rabu 9 hb...
9hb jUly 2008 rAbu

zArul yG x rEla kIteorg pErgi...sBb dIe kEne tInggal...hUhu...mAdi dAh sIap tUkar bAju sEgala nIe...

hAi mAdi...bAru fIrst wEek dAh tErsingkir???hUhu...bEg sApe lAh gAmaknye tUe...mCm nAk pErgi sEminggu...

bEg i yG x mUat nAk sUmbat dLm lOker...sO bErsemadilah kAt aTas tUe...yG bOtol bIru tUe bUkan i pUnye eh...aNd tHe hElmet...pUn bUkan i nYe...

nIe kEadaan dLm bUs...i tErpakse dOk dEpan wAlau x rEla...sBb kEne lAyan uNcle tUe...tApi i sErahkan tUgas tUe kEpada mAdi...sBb dIe kAn uNcle uNcle...hUhu...

nIe mAse sInggah kAt pAgoh...sEmpat nIe bEli dUrian bEbudak nIe...aBis 1 bUs bAu yEr...

hAh...gElak...gElak pUas pUas...lEpas nIe tUmpang lOri aYam...hUhu...

sAmpai jEr jUsco mElaka kIteorg aDe sHort bRiefing sKit...dOk lAntai jEr...sIan kAn...mAse kO dTg sTore kIteorg...sIap kErusi eMpuk sEgala...tApi kO bAlas lAntai???hUhu...

lEpas bReifing kIteorg rOunding sTore...sEnang eSok...x sEsat nAnti...

tAdaa...sEttle jEr sEmua kIteorg cHeck iN hOtel...tApi kIteorg dApat aPartments...bEst...1 aPartments bLeh sUmbat 12 oRg...hUhu...mEriah...tApi nYaris x dApat cHeck iN sBb mY mAnager x bAgi lIst hOtel pAde i...sO bUkan sAlah i k...nAsib bAik gOda aBg rEcep tUe sKit tRus dIe bAgi dIe nYe cOpy...hUhu...

mAlam mEnjelma kIteorg gIe dInner...hUhu...kAt sEbelah oTel kIng tUe aDe rEstauran aSam pEdas...hUhu...tApi mY mUm mAsak lAgi sEdap ok...kAt sIni x sEdap...pAtut x rAmai oRg...sO nIe mEja bOys...

aNd nIe mEja gUrl...i dOk mAne???jGn tAnye...aMboi lIsa( baju iTam mUlut tErnganga)...sAmpai jUa kO wAlaupun tUmpang lOri aYam...hUhu...lEpas mAkan nAik aPartment...tIdo...eSok nAk jCard...

10hb jUly 2008 kHamis ( j cArd dAy)

hAmek kO rAmainye uMat...pEning jAp pEpagi dAh kEne sErbu...

nAmpak x bElakang cOunter tUe aDe lEft iTem...cUstomer x nAk...bAnyak yEr...i kEne jAga 8 oRg cAshier fRom mEtro pRima...sEmua bEbaik...mAlanglah sApe yG kEne jAga cAShier i...hUhu...

sIap dUduk dUduk lAgi...dAh pEnat kAtenye...tApi yG bEst kAt sIni...cUstomer rAmah n x cErewet...bEst...sIap pAgi tUe aDe cUstomer nAk aMik pIc dGn kIteorg k...nAk mAsuk bLog kOt...hUhu...

mArziyanti yG mEnghitung wAktu pUlang...nIe mAse rEhat...lEpak kAt lUar jAp...aMik aNgin...hUhu...

mAdi n fIdah yG dAh pEnat...kAt bElakang tUe dAh uMah oRg dAh...dEkat jEr...kUar pAgar uMah tRus mAsuk pAgar jUsco...hUhu...mAk k******* mEsti sUke...hUhu...

bAlik jEr aPartments aRound kOl 1 sEmua tRus nAk mEmbongkang...dAh tAk lArat dAh...dAri bIlik i bLeh nAmpak sWimming pOol nIe...hUhu...cUte kAn...i lAk x bLeh tIdo sBb aDe hAl...sO i pUn dOk kAt bAlkoni tUe sAmbil bErgayut...hUhu...dGn fAhat...tHen dGn mY sYg...rIndu kAtenye...tEtibakan...

i nAmpak 1 lEmbaga pErgi kAt sWimming pOol tUe...sIap bAwak mP3...tOwel...mOtif???kOlam aIr pAnas kAh???aTau nAk bUat vIdeo cLip...kOl 2 pAgi kAn...hUhu...mUle mUle i dIam jEr tHen tEtiba dIe pErasan...hUhu...tErpakse lAh bErbasa bAsi...oH...x tIdo lAgi kEr???rUpenye dIe pRomoter hElper gAk dAri jB...hUhu...lEpas lAyan aLa kAdar i tRus nAik kAtil n tIdo...

11hb jUly 2008 jUmaat

mEmandangkan sEmlm jCard aNd kIteorg bReakfast aLa kAdar...sO aRi lAst kIteorg lAntak hAbis hAbisan...hUhu...bUt hOrror oF hOrror...rUpenye kIteorg jEr yG sEmangat nAk bAngun gIe sArapan yEr...yG lAin mAsih mEmbongkang...

sO iNilah bReakfast i pAgi tUe...sKit eH...hUhu...nIe fIrst pLate...sEcond aNd tHird xDe pic...hUhu...
nIe vAn oTel tUe...sAjer jEr...

lEpas bReakfast kIteorg mAin kAt sWimming pOol tUe...hUhu...dAri aTas nAmpak dAlam...rUpenye tAkat lUtut jEr...cHildren sWimming pOol kAedahnye...hUhu...

aZim yG tEtiba nAk jAdi hAwaiian gIrl...mOtif???mIss uNiverse kEr kO???

yG aDe tOwel tUe aRr bIlik i...hUhu...mEriah...tOwel tUe lUpe lAk nAk lEtak dAlam bAlik...hUhu...

sEbelum bAlik aMik pIc dUlu...lAgi 5 oR 6 oRg mAsih bErdengkur lAgi...sO xDe pIc dIeorg k...hUhu...

nIe lAk pIc bUs kIteorg...sO aRound kOl 11 gErak bAlik jB...iNgat nAk sInggah bAndar mElaka bUt tHen dRiver tUe kAta ' MALAS'...bLeh x???tRus sEmua tIdo dLm bUs...hUhu...

tu jelah entry pasal gie melaka...ape???x best???ye ker x best???macam best jer???x best jugak???suke ati ko lah labu...gie bace blog org lain kalu i nye blog x best...ok???

till then...buhbye...luv u guys...

hUhu...dAh jUmpe...

usb cable i yg mia tue dah dijumpai...huhu...kat bilik my mum...jauh berjalan yer...patut arr tania merajuk...rupenye bf die ilang ke bilik nanti i upload pic and buat entry pasal melaka eh...nak gie tgk cerekarama nie...huhu...
till then...buhbye...luv u guys...

pOll cLosed...

huhu...poll dah closed so supposedly i kene update ler kan pasal i gie jadi helper mase jcard melaka...but then...pic blum upload lagi ler from my 'tAnia' to my pc...sbb i cari usb cable die xde...ade org pinjam ker???u guys cube check kat umah memasing k...kalo ade usb cable yg rupenye pelik dan macam bukan u guys punye...that mean i punye...huhu...lepas jumpe jer cable i upload pic then trus buat entry k...huhu...marah ker???x kan...thanks...
till then...luv u guys...mane gua punye cable nie...

Friday, July 25

tEntang aDAh dAn dUrian...

since adah is at home...and skang musim durian kan...everywhere ade org jual durian kan...tepi jalan...kat pasar...u name it...semua ade and my lil sis pau adah to treat us with durian...huhu...i mean a lot of durian...huhu...adah x dok dgn kiteorg...die dok kat seri alam...bulan 8 nie pindah kulai lak...sbb die pindah keje sane...wah...susah ler nak jumpe die...very the menyusahkan org...selebet kan...huhu...sebab jarak umur i and my sis dekat so both of us close...mase kecik slalu pakai baju sepasang...huhu...

and adah got her story with durian...since she was a little girl...durian tue fav die...i still remember when arwah atuk bawak balik durian...die trus bawak durian tue gie dapur and duduk bersila...get ready nak baham durian tue...bile arwah atuk lambat jer die bising...cepatlah cepatlah...huhu...

mY bIg sIs...aDAh tHe gOnjeng...kAki dUrian...

and 1 more thing...adah got skill with durian...selain my arwah dad and lain x pandai nak bukak durian...huhu...but for's small the pieces...huhu...for me...kalo ade durian i makan...xde x makan ler...but the best lil bro alan...x makan x yah arr berebut dgn die...since dari kecik x makan durian...dulu mase kecik i and adah pernah pakse die makan then die muntah...huhu...dasar melayu murtad...wakaka...

kUningnye iSi tUe...hUhu...sEdapnye!!!

dUrian lAgi...dUrian lAgi...dUrian lAgi...

dUrian sEdang dIkopek...hUhu...dUrian...dUrian...

so sepanjang 3 ari adah kat umah nie...kejenye makan durian jer...1 rumah bau durian...huhu...tadi i nak makan durian sorang sorang...konon konon pandai arr bukak...try punye try...x boleh pun...terpakse panggil adah tolong bukakkan...huhu...niat tue nak baham sorang...last last dok berdua kat dapur makan sesame...selebet nye adah...huhu...

till then...buhbye...luv durian...

bIle sAyang mAkan nAsi gOreng...

nAsi gOreng pAttaya???
oR nAsi gOreng pErcuma kEropok???

ingat k******* jer nak makan nasi goreng...tetiba 2 org sayang i makan nasi goreng jugak...tension!!!sorang makan nasi goreng sbb k******* wrote in comment...that i fall in love with my sayang dah jealous...pening tau nak layan...dah lah i x reti pujuk...macam mane nie???

pastu yg lagi sorang lak makan nasi goreng sbb i salah sebut name...bleh x???bodohnye...kantoi bongok sangat...tension...dahlah memang x reti pujuk...kuar dgn A tapi sebut name B...wagrhhh...adakah ini balasan sebab tamak???huhu...

tapi sebab 2 org dah makan nasi goreng...i pun carilah sayang ke3...ahaks...tamak haloba sangat...

tolong bagi tips skit...macam mane nak pujuk org makan nasi goreng...i x pandai pujuk...huhu...makan nasi goreng pandai arr...huhu...

so...pengajaran ari nie...sebelum jumpe sayang pertama, kedua atau ketiga...sebut name die banyak kali...supaya x lupe...ahaks... and jgn makan nasi goreng selalu...

lupe lak...makan nasi goreng tue = merajuk...huhu...
( sumber : kamus hidup arif eddy )
till then...buhbye...luv u guys...

Wednesday, July 23

i'M fAlling iN...

a cRazy lIttle tHing cAlled lOve...

when sumthing bad happen to me...a good thing will follow...its always have to be that way...when i down with my love start to cherish my life...not 1...but 3...currently...huhu...sound bad and playboy rite...but the truth is...i love them all...i love every single one of this the real love???i'm not sure...or am i falling in love so easily???i'm not sure either...but when i see them...they are different in every single way...every one of them have their own thing that i like...that make me fall with them...make me enjoy with them...make me love with them...they way they treat me...the way they said it...huhu...sound stupid kan...

before this i always keep it to myself...even to my bestfren...huhu...but since now...i'll share with my bestfren only ok...huhu...later when u in jb k...

to my sayang's ( if happen to read this kan) believed me...i'll be fair...

Tuesday, July 22

wEi kAndryxx...

kAndyxx...aDe oRg cAkap kAn...u sCandal i...hUhu...sEbab bAnyak sAngat nAme u dAlam bLog i...dIe jElous...hUhu...sO tHe nExt uPcoming eNtry...i'Ll rEduce tHe uSage oF kAnryxx nAme...bLey gItuh???hUhu...
ps; nothing ler...just u and me...

mOvie rEview sKali lAgik...

di dalam kesesakan dan kesempitan idup...sempat gak i gie tgk movie lagi...huhu...tadi pergi dgn arif and kandryxx...huhu...kiteorg tgk midnite cite wanted...

bUkan wAnted nIe...

tApi wAnted nIe...

selalu kan i buat movie review ala kadar jer kan...pastu kan kandryxx bising...die ckp kalo mcm tue baik x yah review...tapi kan i buat review betul betul org ckp i letak ajinamoto lak...i kan penambah cerita...x gituh???so kali nie...i nak buat review...
tetap ala kadar...huhu...

so...kepada sesiapa yg cintakan keamanan macam kandryxx...x yah gie tgk cite nie...dan sesiapa yg x tahan ngilu macam i...pun x yah tgk...tapi i dah tgk...huhu...
cite nie pasal Wesley Gibson ( James McAvoy) yg x tau asal usul die...die nie lak jantung die bleh berdegup lebih pantas dari org lain...and die nie lak selalu ditindas oleh kwan and boss die...huhu...penat arr nak taip...korang tgk sendiri arr...huhu...jgn marah...yg pasti...cite nie mmg best...cume part die main pisau jer...ngilu tak thn...i dah mcm org giler kat kerusi tue...huhu...pastu part die tembak tembak...mmg best giler...
so 10 bintang...aum...aum...aum...(sambil buat gaya makan bintang ala sinaran)
till then...buhbye...luv u guys...
ps: untuk maklumat lebih lanjut pasal cite jer...huhu...